Embedded Storefront

The fastest path to a native look and feel for your Moonbase-powered e-commerce is using our embedded storefront package. It comes with pre-built UI for customer authentication, cart management, checkout flow, license activations and much more. Although the UI is included, we've exposed a number of style variables so that you can make it yours.

This package can be included in your own websites, no matter what platform you use. On this page you will find instructions for popular platforms, but if yours is missing, reach out to us through the support channel, or at developers@moonbase.sh.

To make sure the module works on your website, take care to add your domain to the whitelisted domains of your Moonbase account in your account settings. If you experience CORS errors, the domain is not whitelisted.

Getting started

To add e-commerce capabilities to your website, install using the appropriate method:

Static websites

For static websites, a simple <script> element is enough to add the basic features:

<script type="module" src="https://assets.moonbase.sh/storefront/moonbase.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
    document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
        // TODO: Replace this with the URL of your Moonbase account

This snippet can be added at the end of your document, and should be included on every page you want storefront features available on. Read on for more details on how to configure buttons and render dynamic content.

Javascript apps

To make it easier to use this when building sites using React.js, Vue.js, Svelte, or similar frameworks, you can also add this package to your dependencies and install it:

npm install @moonbase.sh/storefront --save

At this point you can import and call the Moonbase setup method whenever your UI is ready:

import Moonbase from '@moonbase.sh/storefront'

// TODO: Replace this with the URL of your Moonbase account

The package comes with full Typescript support and supports all the features listed below.


In case you're running a Wordpress site, you can install the Moonbase plugin on your instance. This plugin will add the necessary scripts to your pages, and also give you the option to insert "Add to cart" buttons as part of your content, either using short codes, or as blocks in your content.

Customize the experience

Look & Feel

The Moonbase embedded storefront is themeable to some degree; you may tweak the brand color, select fonts, style buttons and cards, and more. This is done using the theme property of the options given when first setting up the module:

    theme: {
        dark: true | false,
        colors: {
            primary: '#1A77F2',
            background: 'white' | 'gray',
        fonts: {
            heading: 'Poppins' | 'PT Serif' | 'Montserrat' | 'Aleo',
            body: 'Inter' | 'Roboto' | 'EB Garamond' | 'Merriweather',
        corners: 'sharp' | 'soft' | 'round',
        buttons: 'outlined' | 'light',
        cards: 'outlined' | 'shadow' | 'white',

Any further customizations done by your website is not officially supported. If you are noticing styles from your own website bleed in to the Moonbase storefront, then try to avoid any !important style rules on your own website.

Configure options

When adding the package to your site, you can configure other parts of the experience by overriding any the settings listed below, this is their default values:

  toolbar: {
    // Whether or not to show the toolbar
    enabled: true,
    // The location of the toolbar, can be one of:
    // `top-right`, `top-left`, `bottom-right`, `bottom-left`
    location: 'top-right',
    show: {
        // Whether or not to show the cart button of the toolbar
        cart: true,
        // Whether or not to show the account button of the toolbar
        account: true,
        // Whether or not to show the Moonbase logo in the toolbar
        moonbase: true,
  auth: {
    signIn: {
        // Enables or disables customer log-ins
        enabled: true,
    signUp: {
        // Enables or disables customer sign-ups
        enabled: true,
  checkout: {
    // Changes the checkout flow to be a redirect based flow
    redirect: false,
  activation: {
    // Determines what device token files should be uploadable
    deviceTokenFileExtension: '.dt',
    // Sets the name of the downloaded liense token file
    licenseTokenFileName: 'license-file.mb',
  theme: {
    // See the above section for details on look and feel

To override them, simply pass in options with your configuration when setting up the storefront:

<script type="module" src="https://assets.moonbase.sh/storefront/moonbase.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
    document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
        // TODO: Replace this with the URL of your Moonbase account
        Moonbase.setup('https://demo.moonbase.sh', {
            toolbar: {
                // We have custom buttons to trigger account and cart,
                // so let's hide the default toolbar.
                enabled: false,

Call methods

The Moonbase embedded storefront supports a whole range features, from authentication, to e-commerce and licensing. By default, it will pick up on URL parameters that contains intents, but you can also trigger these yourself. Below is the full list of intents you can initiate:

type MoonbaseInstance = {
  // Identity
  sign_in(parameters?: { email?: string; }): void
  sign_up(parameters?: { email?: string; }): void
  forgot_password(parameters?: { email?: string; }): void
  reset_password(parameters: { email: string; code: string; }): void
  confirm_account(parameters: { email: string; code: string; }): void
  confirm_email(parameters: { email: string; code: string; }): void
  confirm_email_change(parameters: { email: string; code: string; }): void

  // Customer
  view_account(): void
  view_products(): void
  redeem_voucher(parameters?: { code?: string; }): void

  // Products
  view_product(parameters: { product_id: string; version?: string; }): void
  activate_product(parameters?: { token?: string; }): void

  // Orders
  view_cart(): void
  add_to_cart(parameters?: {
    product_id?: string;
    bundle_id?: string;
    variation_id?: string;
    quantity?: number;
  }): void
  purchase(parameters?: {
    product_id?: string;
    bundle_id?: string;
    variation_id?: string;
    quantity?: number;
  } | {
    product_id?: string;
    bundle_id?: string;
    variation_id?: string;
    quantity?: number;
  }[]): void
  checkout(parameters?: { complete?: boolean; }): void
  close_checkout(): void

To actually trigger the UI elements, you can add onclick handlers to buttons like so:

<button onclick="Moonbase.add_to_cart({ product_id: 'example-product' })">
    Add to cart
<button onclick="Moonbase.purchase({ bundle_id: 'example-bundle', quantity: 2 })">
    Buy now

Or, if using the Javascript package, you can also call them from your code:

import Moonbase from '@moonbase.sh/storefront'

const onAddToCartButtonClick = () => {
    Moonbase.add_to_cart({ product_id: 'example-product' })

Render dynamic content

The embedded storefront will fetch and cache data related to products & bundles, the authenticated customer, and the current cart. To make your web site dynamic, we support rendering and conditionally hiding/showing elements part of your site.

Rendering content is as simple as adding the data-moonbase-render attribute to the elements you want dynamic content to appear in:

<button data-moonbase-render="user.name" onclick="Moonbase.view_account()">

Any initial content will be replaced with data loaded by the embedded storefront, if present. In the above example, the button will show "Account" until a customer signs in, after which it will show the user's name.

The available properties to render are:

# User properties

# Cart properties

# Product properties

# Bundle properties

In case you have elements you want to only conditionally show based on properties, we support a data-moonbase-if attribute:


Any elements with data-moonbase-if attributes will have their hidden attribute set based on storefront context. In the above example, we add the hidden attribute to ensure it's hidden by default, and only when a user is authenticated will is show.

The available properties to conditionally render based on are:

# User properties

# Cart properties

# Product properties

# Bundle properties

Listen for events

In case you want to react to the storefront library being used, either for analytics or other purposes, you can register event listeners. These listeners work much like native HTML event listeners, and you can register them on the Moonbase instance directly:

import Moonbase from '@moonbase.sh/storefront'

Moonbase.on('checkout-completed', event => console.log('Purchase completed:', event.order))

These are all the available events you can currently listen for:

// Identity related events
'signed-in': {
    user: User
'signed-up': {
    user: User
'signed-out': {
    user: User

// Voucher related events
'redeemed-voucher': {
    voucher: Voucher
    user: User

// Product related events
'downloaded-product': {
    product: OwnedProduct
    download: Download
    user?: User | null
'activated-product': {
    product: StorefrontProduct
    fulfillmentType: ActivationRequestFulfillmentType
    user?: User | null

// Cart related events
'added-to-cart': {
    item: CartItem
    currency: string
    user?: User | null
'checkout-initiated': {
    order: Order
    user?: User | null
'checkout-closed': {
    order: Order
    user?: User | null
'checkout-completed': {
    order: Order
    user?: User | null

To see a practical example of how to use these for analytics, check out these articles:

See how you can hook up the embedded storefront to send e-commerce events to Google Analytics

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